Décolletage upper chest Camberley

Décolletage & upper area can be treated with HIFU Camberley as its targeted and works to increase collagen and increase the elasticity in the skin to tighten and the area.

HIFU For The Décolletage Camberley

Why Choose HIFU? Camberley

Decolletage 1

HIFU Camberley stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound and it is a medical technology that uses ultrasound rays to treat a specific area.

Normally it a non-surgical procedure hence it is non-invasive.

This procedure treats various regions of the body but this article will focus on décolletage/upper chest HIFU Camberley treatment.  

How HIFU Camberley Can Help You Regain your self-confidence and self esteem

Just one of the most sensitive areas is the upper area that is when it comes to people noticing. A upper area that has sagging skin and wrinkles can be demoralising.

After a HIFU Camberley treatment, you get a chest with a very appealing look. It is without a doubt that this sort of treatment automatically boosts a person’s self-esteem and confidence after the results. Anyone can get the treatment!

Our clients love that we’re caring for their skin and bodies in the best way possible, offering them effective, safe and clinically proven treatments with long-lasting results to restore their confidence.

Why HIFU Camberley treatment can help
The Benefits of Treating the Upper chest

Natural Collagen restore

The upper area might appear sagging or even wrinkled. Apart from ageing one of the main reasons for this is exposure to the sun.


Rejuvenating the skin on the upper chest area can solve this problem. HIFU uses ultrasound rays which are focused on the upper area.

Targeted and long lasting

They target the deep skin layers under the fat layer which is known as the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System.

This makes the skin contract and stimulates the production of collagen resulting into skin that becomes tight and firm.

Obviously, it gives the anti-ageing effects leaving you looking younger.

For most patients, the results start showing after a period of between two to three months.

We care about you, the results you want to achieve and a natural long lasting effect. Call HIFU Camberley today!